Massimiliano Marcon

Product Leader at MongoDB.
I Developer Experience.

I am a product guy with more than 10 years of experience in building and shipping all sorts of products. I believe in the importance of researching what users want and what others are doing before investing time and money to build new software.

Skills #


Product management, Product discovery, Customer discovery and development, Stakeholder management, Team leadership.


JavaScript/Node.js, Java/Android, Bash, HTML5, CSS/Less/Sass, SQL/NoSQL, Git, SVN, Jenkins, Ansible, Grunt, Gulp, Docker/Vagrant.

Experience #

Director of Product Managment, Developer Tools at MongoDB
January 2024 → Now #

I look after the portfolio of developer tools for MongoDB (Compass, MongoDB Shell, IDE plugins, Atlas CLI) and lead a team of product managers that are working on making developers who build applications on MongoDB efficient and productive.

Lead Product Manager, Developer Experience at MongoDB
August 2021 → Jnauary 2024 #

The Developer Experience group's mission is to ensure developers have the best experience with the MongoDB platform, from the very first steps of their onboarding, through adoption and expansion of their MongoDB usage.

Within this group, I am responsible for the portfolio of developer tools and I am leading cross-product initiatives to make the developer journey smooth and make our users and customers happy and productive with MongoDB.

Senior Product Manager, Developer Tools at MongoDB
January 2020 → August 2021 #

After spending about a year mostly on MongoDB Compass and using product data and other signals from users and customers to learn the pain points people face when they work with MongoDB, we extended our tools portfolio to include Compass, the MongoDB Shell and MongoDB for VS Code.

Responsible for research, roadmap definition and product delivery across the developer tools porfolio, including partnerships that will put MongoDB in front of new audiences.

Product Manager, Enterprise Tools, Compass at MongoDB
October 2018 → January 2020 #

Research, build and iterate on MongoDB Compass to make the developer experience with MongoDB easy and enjoyable.

Technical Product Owner Indoor Solutions at HERE
September 2016 → September 2018 #

Led a multidisciplinary team (Android, iOS, web, backend and QA) that works on an IoT product to make the workplace smarter and data-driven.

Responsible for product discovery and delivery, roadmap management, technology and product discussions with customers and partners.

Engineering Manager Cloud Services at HERE
June 2015 → September 2016 #

Led an engineering team (Node.js, Android and iOS) that worked on making maps smarter and more personal.

Responsible for driving engineering and product decisions to deliver innovative cloud services to business customers and consumers.

Solution Architect at HERE, a Nokia company
August 2014 → June 2015 #

Led external and internal development teams ensuring high quality standards and worked with internal stakeholders and external partners to define technical approaches and requirements for several outsourced projects.

Hands-on support (build tools, CI setup, etc.) during the implementation of web and mobile applications.

Responsible for selecting technology stacks for HERE web & mobile projects and for prototyping solutions.

Senior engineer, Dev Lead at HERE, a Nokia company
September 2013 → July 2014 #

Full stack software developer, architect, rapid prototyper, android developer and lead engineer.

Led a team of Android engineers that contributed to the first release of HERE Maps.

Prototyped the first integration of Glympse within HERE Maps and worked with designers and engineers to make it part of the product.

Senior Engineer at HERE, a Nokia company
November 2011 → August 2013 #

Full stack software developer, rapid prototyper, Java and JavaScript engineer, webdev, blogger, conference speaker.

Research associate at IHMC
May 2008 → November 2011 #

Designed and developed a number of web and iOS applications as lead engineer and front-end developer.

Collaborated on several research efforts related to network communication protocols, wireless networks, cross-layer frameworks, service discovery strategies and Service Oriented Architectures.

Designed and implemented federation strategies and Quality-of-Service monitoring for
tactical information managements systems in collaboration with BBN Technologies, Boeing
and the Air Force Research Lab.

Coauthored several conference and journal publications.

Student intern at IHMC
July 2007 → April 2008 #

Worked on strategies for providing service discovery and resources exploitation capabilities for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) and other
peer-to-peer environments.

Gained experience with network protocol design and development, service discovery techniques and peer-to-peer frameworks with particular focus on MANETs.

Education #

Courses #

Product Management Foundations (
August 2017 #

Product Management fundamentals course that walks participants through the product life cycle: research, plan, build, release, refine, and retire.
Certificate of completion is available here.

How To Create Products Customers Love (SVPG Workshop with Marty Cagan)
June 2017 #

A workshop designed for product leaders from Technology Product companies that want to dive very deep into the product roles and learn the leading edge practices from Product Discovery, Lean Startups, Lean UX, Agile, Customer Development, Design Thinking, as well as techniques and practices from the very best technology-enabled product companies in the world.

Usable Security (Coursera - University of Maryland, College Park)
November 2014 #

This course focuses on how to design and build secure systems with a human-centric focus.
Starting from the basic principles of human-computer interaction, these insights are applied to the design of secure systems with the goal of developing security measures that respect human performance and their goals within a system.

Maps and the Geospatial Revolution (Coursera - The Pennsylvania State University)
August 2013 #

This course is about how advances in geospatial technology and analytical methods have changed how we do everything, and teaches how to make maps and analyze geographic patterns using the latest tools.

MS in Computer Science and Engineering at Università di Ferrara
September 2005 ➞ March 2008 #

Thesis: “Resource Exploitation and Service Discovery Capabilities for MANET Environments”.

BS in Computer Science and Engineering at Università degli Studi di Padova
October 2001 ➞ September 2005 #

Languages #

Patents & Publications #

For other publications see here.